Barnsley Hospital, Gawber Road. Barnsley S75 2EP (Reg No 1058037) 01226 431650

A quick charity update!

Hello again and sorry it’s been so long! We’ve had a pretty busy couple of months and so we haven’t been looking after our lovely little blog as much as we should have. There have been quite a few changes since we last wrote so we’ll just give you a bit of a charity update.

First of all, I’ve become a permanent member of the Barnsley Hospital Charity team and am now replacing Janice as Fundraising Assistant. It’s been fantastic so far, a lot to get my head around, but I’m loving my new permanent role and am so grateful that I haven’t had to go through the usual graduate job searching stress!

We’ve also moved offices and are now located underneath the outpatients reception in the hospital, in one of the old shops. That does mean that we’re located right next to the café and very near to the shop so we’ve quite literally got food on the brain.

Our new office is much bigger, and is open to the public, which means we get some lovely visitors stopping by for a chat and even get some donations from the generous people of Barnsley! If you do end up passing by, do come in and say hello, we’ve even got a comfy sofa now!

Finally, we’ve started our very own new tradition in the form of Teacake Friday. This very special event takes place every Friday when we decide to treat ourselves to the infamous volunteer café currant teacakes for breakfast (you really should try one).

There’s a lot to plan and manage at the moment, including Zombie Run 2014, the Tiny Hearts Appeal and the Great Barnsley Bake Off, all which are happening this year. This does also mean that there’s a lot for you to get involved with and we’ve made sure that all our fundraising initiatives are as fun as possible for you!

If you are interested in getting involved with our fundraising, please do contact us and we’ll be able to tell you all you need to know.

By Tanya Oates

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