Barnsley Hospital, Gawber Road. Barnsley S75 2EP (Reg No 1058037) 01226 431650

Social Media – Hints & Tips

Below we have shared some useful hints and tips to get you started with your fundraising journey.

First – follow our social media channels to keep up to date with our latest news and events. You can also join in with our posts and engage with our charity content!

Facebook – @Barnsley Hospital Charity
Twitter – @BHNFTCharity
Instagram – @Bhcharity

Share your journey

Tell your friends and family why you’re fundraising and what their support would mean to you. An easy way to share your journey is to post updates on your social media.

On Facebook, you can share your story with your friends and give them a feel for what you will be doing. Let them know how they can get involved and support you with your fundraising.  You can even create a Facebook Fundraiser to get your supporters giving easily online.

Add some edge

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, so add visual content to your fundraising. Including fundraising photographs and video from your activities, help others to visualise the achievements you are making.  This often leads to more donations as more people are likely to be encouraged to give to your cause.

When creating your event posters or posting photos online, using our charities logo is a great way to authentic the image. This shows people you are a genuine fundraiser!  If you would like to add our logo, get in touch –

Feel supported

Don’t be scared to ask your friends, family or colleagues to support you, whether this is by donating or even sharing your posts on social media.  The more people that support you, the more donations you should see. If you mention us in your posts, we will be sure to give you a retweet or repost on our social media platforms!

Other useful tips

  • Create a Facebook event – this way, you can post update’s into the event feed and anyone who is ‘attending’ or ‘interested’ will be able to see the latest news regarding the event
  • Sign up to JustGiving – this allows you to create an online sponsor page so that people can make a donation to your fundraising by card.  It also shows how close you are to your fundraising target
  • Use popular hashtags on Twitter & Instagram so that more people see your posts. Popular hashtags for our fundraisers are – #barnsleyisbrill #barnsleyhospitalcharity and #tinyheartsappeal

If you would like any help or advice about how to promote your fundraising on social media, please get in touch on 01226 431650 or email us and we will be happy to give you a helping hand.